EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (2024)

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EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (1)

It may be 95 degrees out, but its officially Fall, and my favorite time of year! I guess now is the perfect time to share my Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe – Which is an allergy free version of the famous Starbucks Pumpkin Scone that everybody seems to be crazy about.

Scones are great because they’re not too sweet. Feel free to leave off the glaze if you want a more savory treat… But, the Spiced Glaze Drizzle is my favorite! These scones taste just like a pumpkin pie if you were to mix the pie crust in with the pumpkin – so good!

The tools and ingredients you’ll need for this recipe are:

EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (2)

This recipe is my gluten free adaptation of these two (1 & 2) recipes.


EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (3)

EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe – Starbucks Copycat

  • Author: A Little Insanity - Erika
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 15 mins
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Yield: 8 Scones 1x
  • Category: Dessert
  • Cuisine: Gluten Free
Print Recipe


The BEST Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe – Easy to make and Delicious! An allergy friendly version of the Starbucks Pumpkin Scone. Perfect for Fall!





  • 6 Tablespoons Cold Butter Alternative (I love Melt)




  1. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or a non-stick silpat. Dust lightly with Tapioca Starch.
  2. In mixing bowl, whisk together Dry Ingredients. (I do this all in my stand mixer)
  3. Cut in the Cold Butter until mixture is dry & crumbly (I use my whisk attachment, but you can use a pastry tool if you are doing it by hand).
  4. Mix or Fold in Wet Ingredients until ingredients are well incorporated.
  5. Dough should be stiff and easy to handle.
  6. Preheat Oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
  7. While Oven is Preheating, chill dough in refrigerator.
  8. Using dusted hands, place dough ball on your lined cookie sheet and gently press into a large circle.
  9. Dust rolling pin and roll out to approx 1″ thick.
  10. Use a sharp knife or pastry scraping tool to cut the circle into 6 or 8 triangles.
  11. Separate the triangles slightly so they can bake on all sides.
  12. Bake for 13-18 minutes until golden brown.
  13. Remove from oven and place on cooling rack to cool completely before glazing.
  14. If desired, Glaze the tops of the scones, let harden, and then drizzle the tops with the Spiced Glaze for additional flavor (the drizzle is my favorite!)
  15. To prepare Glaze, mix the Powdered Sugar with the Vanilla and Milk – but only add the milk a little bit at a time in between stirring to avoid becoming too runny. You want the glaze loose, but not too watery. Reserve 1/3 of the glaze for your Spiced Drizzle.
  16. To the Spiced Drizzle, mix in the Pumpkin Pie Spice & Ground Ginger. Use a Cake Decorating Bag OR a Ziplock bag with the tip cut off to drizzle over the top of the scones.


Best when eaten fresh, but can also be store in an airtight container for 2 days at room temperature. Or, store in the fridge for up to 5 days. You can warm the scones in a microwave for 15 seconds at a time if desired.

Roll Out the Dough & Cut into Triangles or Wedges before cooking the dough. Typically you’ll get 8 good sized Scones, but feel free to shape & size them to your preference.

EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (4)


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  1. EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (5)Marie

    Hi Erika, I have just found your web site and for a change have hope of being able to eat bread and other delights for a change. I am 74 years of age and suffered for years with gluten/wheat problems. I have tasted every brand of gluten free bread available here in Canada and have not like a singe one or some of the ingredients that I don’t even call food in them. I was getting so desperate today and decided once again to do a search of the internet, BAM! I found you just as I was about to give up and just sit, have a good cry and feel sorry for myself. I am looking forward to trying your recipes. :) I have baked gluten free bread before, but there are always so many ingredients to buy and the recipes are so involved that I gave up. I thank you in advance for being such a wonderful lady and sharing with all of us out here who have health problems. God bless you! Sorry my comment is so long winded! :)


    • EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (6)Erika

      Hi Marie. No need to apologize – you are among friends here & we all understand how hard special diets can be. I pray you find the recipes & meals to enjoy. Hugs & God Bless! ~Erika

  2. EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (7)Heather

    Hi Erika. I see that you use an egg substitute in a lot of recipes. We do not have an egg allergy so I was wondering if a fresh egg would work as well? And would I substitute one egg for every Tbsp of the egg substitute? Thank you for sharing all these wonderful recipes and blessings to you too.


    • EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (9)Erika

      Thanks so much Nicole… I just fixed it! =) God Bless! ~Erika

  3. EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (10)Vera

    Hi Erika. My son is allergic to coconut and dairy. Are there any suggestions for replacement. Thanks


  4. EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (11)vera

    Hi Erika. my son is allergic to coconut and dairy. Do you have any substitute ideas so I can make this for him.


  5. EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (12)karen

    I do not have an egg allergy. How many eggs should I use in this pumpkin scone recipe?


    • EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (13)Erika

      Hi Karen! You can substitute 2 regular eggs in place of the applesauce & egg replacer. =) Enjoy & God Bless! ~Erika

  6. EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (14)Katherine

    Terrific recipe, even without the glaze. Based on other GF scone recipes I’ve made, I used a food processor for the entire mixing process, and it came together so easily and quickly. Didn’t need to roll it out either, just patted it into a circle. Thanks for this and your easy flour mix!


  7. EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (15)Sandra Perez

    I have been hesitant to comment in fear that my gratitude will turn into complete over sharing….but your recipes have tasted the best! We have been so many things free for a long time (15 yrs) and while it has benefited our health tremendously, it has also affected our spirits at times. So, I just wanted to say thank you for thinking outside the box, for working at being a true kitchen chemist and for empathizing with the youngins who, regardless of their resilience, always feel like they have to go without in a group of kids who never have to think about what they eat.


  8. EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (16)Renae

    Hi Erika,

    First of all, thank you so much for all the wonderful recipes on your website!

    I avoid all food additives (due to bad reactions to many of them) and therefore I cannot use a commercial egg replacer. What would be a suitable egg substitute for this recipe? Would an ‘egg’ made with chia seeds work?

    Sorry I haven’t rated the recipe yet, as I haven’t tried it yet.


  9. EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (17)Shauntel

    Hello :) is it possible to use bobs red mill 1:1 baking flour? This is what I have on hand and need to use up. Would I have to Change anything else to accommodate?

    Thank you


  10. EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (18)Bettina Gorrie

    Hi Erika
    I was wondering if you have ever tried to use chia seeds and water for your egg replacement? Would it work in this recipe?
    Thank you, looking forward to trying your recipe tomorrow.


  11. EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (19)Carolyn Lawton

    I’m excited to try your Gluten Free pie crust and Dairy Free pumpkin pie filling recipes. One of the things that excites me is using eggs and/or egg whites instead of Xanthan Gum in the bread/pastry recipes. However, I do not see how/if I can use eggs in your Pumpkin Scones recipe. I am gluten free and dairy free, but I have no other restrictions.
    Please clarify how and how many eggs to use in this scones recipe. Thank you for all of your shared tips!!


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EASY Gluten Free & Vegan Pumpkin Scone Recipe - Starbucks Copycat (2024)


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