Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (2024)

Last updated on Jun 28, 2024

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Networking Basics


Online Presence


Direct Outreach


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Continuous Engagement


Mutual Learning


Here’s what else to consider

Connecting with HR professionals in employee relations is vital for navigating the complexities of the workplace. Human Resources (HR) is the division of a business that manages employee-related issues, and 'employee relations' refers to HR's efforts to strengthen the employer-employee relationship. By establishing a rapport with HR, you can gain insights into company culture, conflict resolution, and career development opportunities. Whether you're a new employee or a seasoned professional, understanding how to engage with HR can be beneficial for your career trajectory.

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Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (1)

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  • Mohit Fichadiya Regional Head - HR

    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (3) 3

  • Mohamed Anwar Rahaman Country HR Lead at Motorola Solutions

    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (5) 16

  • Sehar Malik 74K+ | Technical and Non-Technical Recruiter | HR Manager | Recruitment Services | Head Hunter | Business Development…

    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (7) Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (8) 13

Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (9) Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (10) Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (11)

1 Networking Basics

Networking is the cornerstone of professional relationship-building, and it's no different when it comes to HR professionals. To start, attend industry events and join professional associations where HR experts are likely to be present. When you're at these gatherings, be proactive in introducing yourself and sharing your interests in employee relations. Remember, networking is a two-way street; listen as much as you talk, and aim to establish a genuine connection rather than just handing out business cards. This approach can set the foundation for a strong professional relationship with HR practitioners.

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  • Mohit Fichadiya Regional Head - HR

    Established relations within an HR, first start to connect with local HR professional groups and it’s event which helps to demonstrate your actual vs scope of improvement. Further to that there is a stage of online learning, social media platform.Said value addition improve relations within HR for EE.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (20) 3

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  • Mohamed Anwar Rahaman Country HR Lead at Motorola Solutions

    I adopt C.A.R.E principles in employee relations management;C : Communicating EffectivelyA : Assisting employeesR : Responsive E : EmpathyNo matter what issues being confronted, CARE will bring in humane values in it.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (29) 16

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  • Binod Kumar Shrestha Driving People in Healthy and Happy culture

    The following attributes required to be an HR Professional:1) Communication Skills: Should be able to convey clear & effective communication for clear understanding and minimizing the confusion.2) Ethical Behavior: Upholding ethical standards at workplace, including confidentiality & fairness in decision-making.3) Empathy: Understanding & empathizing with employees' concerns, fostering a supportive work environment.4) Adaptability: Should be open for adaptability with any situations, environment & culture.5) Negotiation Skills: Resolving conflicts, mediating disputes & negotiating terms during employee relations issues.6) Employment Laws: Understanding of prevailing labor laws & regulations to ensure compliance & mitigate legal risks.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (38) Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (39) 10

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  • Eriny Fahmy Head of Talent Acquisition and OD | Certified Assessor, HR Management Cambridge International Diploma

    1-Utilize Online HR Communities LinkedIn groups, and HR-specific social media platforms to engage with other employee relations professionals.2-Collaborate with other HR professionals on specific projects.3- Attend Employee Relations-Focused Training4-Connect with HR peers


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (48) 10

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  • In my opinion networking ideally should start from the day one starts with their Post Graduation journey where an individual is surrounded by future HR Leaders. It all depends on how one connects and maintains these relationships from college to workplace. It is observed that these connections from college to workplace usually fizzle out which shouldn’t be the ideal scenario. Thus, Connect Protect & Grow your connections with HR professionals to build best Employee Relations.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (57) Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (58) Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (59) 9

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2 Online Presence

In today's digital age, your online presence can be just as important as face-to-face interactions. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and reflects your interest in employee relations. Engage with HR content by commenting on articles, sharing relevant posts, and contributing to discussions. This not only increases your visibility within the HR community but also demonstrates your commitment to the field. Following HR influencers and joining specialized groups can further solidify your connection with the industry.

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  • Sehar Malik 74K+ | Technical and Non-Technical Recruiter | HR Manager | Recruitment Services | Head Hunter | Business Development | Passionate HR Professional | Connecting Talent with Opportunities

    In today's digital era, Online presence is key, especially in HR. Keep your LinkedIn profile updated, highlighting your interest in employee relations. Engage with HR content by commenting, sharing relevant posts, and joining discussions to boost visibility and show your dedication to the field. Following HR influencers and joining specialized groups can strengthen your connections within the industry.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (68) 3

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  • Para complementar tu presencia en línea y fortalecer aún más tus conexiones, podes crear contenido original, participar e interactuar en LinkedIn. Publicar tus propios artículos, estudios de caso o análisis sobre tendencias y desafíos en el área puede posicionarte como un experto en el campo. Al compartir tus conocimientos y experiencias, aumentas tu visibilidad, ganas protagonismo y ofreces valor a la comunidad. Super importante, ser auténtico y consistente en todo lo que hagas!


  • Jose Manuel Fernandez, MBA

    Indudable, este punto es más que mandatorio. El portal por excelencia es LinkedIn y es allí donde debes estar permanentemente aportando. Tener tu perfil al día es importante pues pueden ver qué puedes aportar, y ver que siempre estas actualizandote.


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  • Luis Ortega HR Manager (HRBP) en Rheem de México.

    Leé, analiza y comparté, eso es lo más importante para en tu presencia en linea, refleja tus valores y tus creencias para que tengas un correcto exposure como profesional en tu ramo.


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  • ahmed Kazeem Human Resources Manager at Abuja Electricity Distribution Company

    This is a truth that has turned the world to a global village with potpourri of information for would be recruiters on likely candidates for recruitment based on contribution as well as visibility on professional platforms.

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3 Direct Outreach

Sometimes, the direct approach is the best way to connect. Don't hesitate to reach out to HR professionals via email or LinkedIn messages. Craft a personalized message that explains why you're interested in connecting with them specifically. Highlight common interests or experiences that could serve as a conversation starter. Be respectful of their time and express your appreciation for any insights they can share about employee relations. An authentic and courteous outreach can lead to meaningful conversations and opportunities.

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  • Himanshu Shankar

    They should directly reach out to HR as my understanding about Human resource professionals are parents of employees who love them like a mother and scold them like a father whenever needed .So employees should also reach them directly which will develop their relationship with HR


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (110) 2

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  • Paul Baker (AMCIPD) Employment Law and HR consultant

    Personally I feel like imposter syndrome is the norm in the HR world, we want to do what is best, but also have to do what is right. Sometimes going against the grain. Education is paramount in my view so that management and leadership understand why engagement and situation specific approaches are taken. I believe that it is important to network not just for improvement of one’s own knowledge, but to also know that feeling like you’re not good enough is not just what you experience. Or perhaps it’s just me 😉


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (119) 2

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  • Sehar Malik 74K+ | Technical and Non-Technical Recruiter | HR Manager | Recruitment Services | Head Hunter | Business Development | Passionate HR Professional | Connecting Talent with Opportunities

    Direct outreach can be powerful in building connections with HR professionals. Personalize your message on email or LinkedIn, explaining your interest in connecting. Highlight shared interests or experiences to start a conversation. Respect their time and express gratitude for any insights on employee relations. An authentic approach can lead to valuable discussions and opportunities.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (128) 1

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  • Jose Manuel Fernandez, MBA

    Buscar en tus contactos o ser intrépido y acercarse a contactos nuevos de RRHH es necesario. Poder aportar a sus posts o ensayos, no solo con un like, sino con un comentario constructivo. Los que publican quieren poder conocer los feedbacks que se puedan tener para también buscar mejorar.


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  • Para potenciar el alcance directo, considera incluir Aago de valor en tus mensajes personalizados. En lugar de simplemente solicitar una conexión, ofréceles algo útil, como compartir una charla de desafíos del área, invitalos a un webinar o podes proponer una colaboración en un proyecto de interés mutuo. Este enfoque solo demuestra tu genuino interés en establecer una relación profesional y muestra tu disposición a contribuir y colaborar, creando una base sólida para una conexión valiosa y productiva.


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4 Offer Value

When establishing relationships with HR professionals, it's crucial to offer value. This could mean sharing an article you think they might find interesting or providing a unique perspective on an industry trend. If you have expertise in a particular area of employee relations, offer your knowledge as a resource. By being helpful and informative, you create a reciprocal relationship where both parties benefit from the exchange. This approach can make you memorable and someone that HR professionals want to engage with.

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  • Siddhi Soni Top HR Voice || HR Manager || 12K+ LinkedIn Family || Content Creator

    Share resources like best practices, templates, or insights from your own experiences. Be generous with your knowledge and support, whether through mentoring or sharing relevant industry trends.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (153) Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (154) 3

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  • Sehar Malik 74K+ | Technical and Non-Technical Recruiter | HR Manager | Recruitment Services | Head Hunter | Business Development | Passionate HR Professional | Connecting Talent with Opportunities

    Building relationships with HR professionals starts with offering value. Share relevant articles or insights on industry trends that could interest them. If you have expertise in employee relations, offer your knowledge as a resource. Creating a reciprocal exchange where both parties benefit fosters memorable and engaging interactions. By being helpful and informative, you establish yourself as someone HR professionals want to connect with.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (163) 1

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  • Suma mucho valor adoptar un enfoque proactivo, compartir prácticas, tendencias, artículos, Además, aprovechar tu experiencia especializada en áreas específicas para brindar asesoramiento y soluciones prácticas demuestra un compromiso genuino por contribuir. Fomentas una dinámica de aprendizaje e intercambio de conocimientos, se establece una relación recíproca donde ambas partes crecen y se fortalecen profesionalmente. Este enfoque te posiciona como un colaborador valioso y también te hace memorable como alguien con quien los profesionales de RRHH desean conectar y colaborar activamente.


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  • Knowledge sharing can be beneficial for all employees & colleagues. Specialist in various functions will be helpful to share their knowledge with other employees which will only enhance the learning curves of all employees.

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  • Paul Baker (AMCIPD) Employment Law and HR consultant

    We all have experience and expertise in certain areas and with the constant evolution of law and expectation we are always learning. So sharing what we do excel at and learning for others on what we don’t is in my view critical to stay current.

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5 Continuous Engagement

Building relationships with HR professionals is not a one-time task; it requires continuous engagement. Keep in touch with your HR contacts by periodically sharing updates about your career or insights into the employee relations field. Congratulate them on their achievements and stay informed about their career moves. This ongoing communication demonstrates that you value the relationship and are invested in maintaining it over time. It also keeps you on their radar for potential collaborations or opportunities.

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  • Sehar Malik 74K+ | Technical and Non-Technical Recruiter | HR Manager | Recruitment Services | Head Hunter | Business Development | Passionate HR Professional | Connecting Talent with Opportunities

    In building relationships with HR professionals, offering value is essential. Share relevant articles or insights on employee relations, or offer expertise in specific areas. By providing valuable information, you create a mutually beneficial exchange where both sides gain. This approach helps establish you as a valuable connection and someone HR professionals are eager to engage with.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (196) Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (197) 13

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  • Ganesh Kashid Human Resources - Making People Successful

    Collaborating with HR professionals on employee relations initiatives can help create a more inclusive and supportive work environment. Actively participating in training sessions, workshops, and team-building activities organized by HR, you can deepen your understanding of employee relations practices and contribute to a positive workplace culture. Engaging with HR professionals in these initiatives can also showcase commitment to fostering healthy employee relations.HR professionals are valuable resources for employees seeking guidance on workplace issues, conflict resolution, and career development. Seeking support from HR professionals, you can address challenges effectively and gain valuable insights to improve your work experience.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (206) 10

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  • Siddhi Soni Top HR Voice || HR Manager || 12K+ LinkedIn Family || Content Creator

    Keep relationships alive by checking in periodically. Share updates on projects or industry developments. Acknowledge milestones like work anniversaries or promotions to show you value the relationship.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (215) Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (216) 2

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  • Himanshu Shankar

    Employee engagement should be a very important tool for engagement with HR .. as it will lead to establishment of good culture


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (225) 1

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  • MOHAMMED ALSHEHRI HR | Talent Acquisition | Recruiter I Headhunter| Looking for new Role

    I fully agree with that!Try to keep in touch with the HR team through LinkedIn. Be with them continuously, say welcome and congrats


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (234) 1

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6 Mutual Learning

Finally, view your relationship with HR professionals as a mutual learning experience. Be open to learning from their experiences and insights into the world of employee relations. At the same time, don't be shy about sharing your own knowledge and perspectives. This exchange of ideas not only enriches your understanding but also fosters a deeper professional bond. It's through this shared learning process that you can develop a robust network of HR colleagues who can support you throughout your career.

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  • Siddhi Soni Top HR Voice || HR Manager || 12K+ LinkedIn Family || Content Creator

    Approach interactions as opportunities for mutual growth. Ask questions, seek advice, and share your own learnings. Foster an environment where both parties can contribute and learn from each other.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (243) Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (244) 4

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  • Paul Baker (AMCIPD) Employment Law and HR consultant

    For me asking questions equals growth and learning. I want to deliver the best I can for the people I work for so accepting I do not know everything is important as is sharing those little details that can make all the difference.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (253) Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (254) 3

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  • Luis Ortega HR Manager (HRBP) en Rheem de México.

    Humildad es lo más importante, acercate y escucha siempre habrá algo que te pueda otorgar valor, a ti o a la empresa en la que brindas servicios.



    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (263) 1

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  • Kanchan K. HR Professional | MBA, Talent Management, Employee Relations| Policy Decision| Cultivating development programs| Implementing HR Policies| Compliance !

    Mutual learning with HR professionals in employee relations involves actively engaging in discussions where both parties share insights, challenges, and best practices. Offer your experiences and perspectives while being open to learning from their expertise in HR policies, employee engagement strategies, and conflict resolution. This collaborative approach not only enhances your understanding of HR practices but also strengthens professional relationships based on shared knowledge and mutual respect.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (272) 1

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  • Building a collaborative atmosphere and promoting progress require us to see our interaction with HR professionals as a learning exchange. Be open to sharing our knowledge and eager to learn from others as you engage in discussion. Promote two-way communication in which each person feels at ease expressing their experiences and insights. Establish shared objectives and collaborate to achieve them. Mutual respect and a spirit of teamwork are fostered by this. It is important to listen intently to the HR specialist without interjecting. Express sincere curiosity about their viewpoints and experiences.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Establishing relationships with HR professionals in Employee Relations could start with connecting with HR professionals from same industries via syndicates or others. This can contribute to establishing industry standards, ensuring healthy competition and overcoming common obstacles and challenges together.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (289) 5


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  • Connecting and establishing relationships with HR professionals in employee relations involves a strategic approach that includes networking, continuous learning, and active engagement.Join HR-related professional associations such as the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) or the Employee Relations Association. Connect with HR professionals and join relevant groups. Attend industry conferences, workshops, and seminars. Obtain certifications in HR or employee relations, such as PHR, SPHR, or SHRM-CP. Share relevant articles, research, and case studies on platforms like LinkedIn or professional forums. Seek out a mentor within the HR community. Offer mentorship to less experienced professionals.


    Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (298) 1

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  • Amit Srikumar FOCUSED | DRIVEN | EMPOWERED #BeyondBoundaries

    I believe a lot of this has to do with transparency. As an HR Professional I interact with "n" number of people throughout my day from employees, candidates, to managers and third parties. My observation is that the best way to keep an open line with the HR you are dealing with is to be straight forward and direct with your approach. This will ensure that the communication between you and the HR will be built on trust and direct communication and that the HR is able to assist you in the best possible way while meeting the parameters of the query and helps you maintain a healthy communicative relationship with the HR.

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  • Building connections and relationships with HR professionals in the field of employee relations may be very advantageous for networking, knowledge exchange, and career advancement. Make a thorough profile that showcases your knowledge and proficiency in employee relations. Send individualized communications to HR experts expressing our interest in their job and how we can both benefit from it. Attend courses, conferences, and seminars on employee relations and HR. Talk to presenters and guests, give business cards to each other, and stay in touch with them after the event.

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  • Kosovare Bunjaku Organizational Psychologist | HR

    Networking is key! Attend HR events, join groups like SHRM, and actively engage on LinkedIn. Share your insights, support your peers, and you'll find that building meaningful, lasting connections in HR is both rewarding and beneficial.

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Employee Relations Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (323)

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Here's how you can connect and establish relationships with HR professionals in employee relations. (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.